Official Wee Tanks Wiki

Wee Tanks Modding[]


Modded image of Wee Tanks

This is an example of what mods can do to Wee Tanks, this texture mod was created by Freiherr.

Welcome to the official Wee Tanks modding guide, modding in wee tanks is currently quite easy and does not require much skill. (Unless you make theme songs for all the tanks)

The following parts of the game are currently moddable:

  • Textures
  • Player and turret skins
  • SFX
  • Music
  • Some models

More parts will be added in the future, like the ability to change models and additional behaviour scripts.

NOTE: If you miss any textures, sounds or music that you would like to mod, let us know on the official Wee Tanks discord and it will be added.

Mod location[]

The modding works simple, you place the modded file with the correct name in a folder called "mods", which you might have to create yourself in the following directory:

C:\Users\%userprofile%\Documents\My Games\Wee Tanks\mods

The game will then automatically check for any modded files present in this folder, and apply it to the game.


Texture mods can be either a .png or a .jpg file, below you will find a list of textures that are moddable.

Image Filename What it changes / what it is
The normal wood block from Wee Tanks tex_wood_block_1 The standard wood block texture
The alternative wood block from Wee Tanks tex_wood_block_2 The second wood block texture
Normal block half slab tex_wood_block_1_half Half slab normal block
Alternative half slab tex_wood_block_2_half Alternative half slab block
Wood tex_floor The normal wooden floor texture
The stone block from Wee Tanks tex_stone_block The stone block texture
The cork block from Wee Tanks tex_cork_block The cork block texture
Stone block half tex_stone_block_half The half stone block texture
Cork block half tex_cork_block_half The half cork block texture

Texture settings[]

You can set some settings to how the texture is applied to the object, you can do this in a file called "mod_settings.txt" which will also be located in the "mods" folder.

Example mod_settings.txt

enable_block_random_rotation = 0

tex_wood_block_1_tile_x = 8
tex_wood_block_1_tile_y = 8
tex_wood_block_1_random_rotation = 0


enable_block_random_rotation -> if you set this to 0, it will disable all the random texture/block rotations in the game

tex_wood_block_1_tile_x = 8 -> set the tiling on the X axis for a specific texture (increasing makes the texture more detailed/smaller)

tex_wood_block_1_tile_y = 8 -> set the tiling on the Y axis for a specific texture (increasing makes the texture more detailed/smaller)

tex_wood_block_1_random_rotation = 0 -> set if this texture specific has random rotation

Player and Turret skin[]

The player and turret skin textures are also moddable, but for this you might need some understanding of UV mapping. Because of the way complex models are textured is a little different than a normal block.

The player tank[]

Wee Tanks tank uv map

What the UV map from the tank looks like

Uv map applying to tank

Explain sheet on how the UV map applies to the tank, and which part you have to change for the image to be applied (credits to Freiherr)

The turret[]

Wee Turret UV map

The UV map of the Wee Turret

Explaining sheet - turret

Explain sheet on how the UV map applies to the turret model, be sure to use an advanced art application to make your UV map


Modding sound effects (SFX) is actually quite easy, just get any sound file and place it in the mods folder. It has to be .ogg, .wav or .mp3.

Whenever you see a modded filename with "_1" , that means there can be multiple and its a list. So you it can be like:

  • sfx_ArmourHits_1.mp3
  • sfx_ArmourHits_2.mp3

Below here you can find a list of moddable sounds.

Filename What it changes / what it is
sfx_ArmourHits_1 Tanks with armour hit sounds
sfx_MenuHover_1 Sound UI elements make when hovering over them
sfx_MenuClick_1 Clicking on menu item
sfx_MenuFailure Error sound when something in a menu goes wrong
sfx_SliderTick Sound a UI slider makes
sfx_TankHit Hitting a tank
sfx_trackCarpet Tanks driving on carpet
sfx_trackGrass Tanks driving on grass
sfx_track Tanks normal driving sound
sfx_LostLife Losing a life
sfx_MinePlace Placing a mine sound
sfx_MineBeep Mine beep sound
sfx_TankDie Normal tank dying sound
sfx_TankDieLostGame Tank dying sound but when losing the game
sfx_TankDieGameOver Tank dying sound but when the player has 0 lives left
sfx_BossDie Powerful boss dying explosion sound
sfx_MineShoot When a player shoots a mine instead of laying
sfx_ClockTicking When the timer reaches 5 seconds
sfx_ClockTimeOver When there is 0 time left
sfx_MissionIntroDrum Mission intro drum roll
sfx_MissionWin Winning a mission sound (with tank explosion sound)
sfx_CampaignWin Winning a campaign sound
sfx_CampaignLost Losing a campaign melody
sfx_MissionWin_no_explosion Winning a mission sound but without the tank explosion
sfx_AngrySpotted When an angry tank spots a player tank (cherry)
sfx_AngryCooldown When an angry tank cools down
sfx_NormalBulletShootSound_1 Normal bullet shooting sounds
sfx_RocketBulletShootSound_1 Rockets shooting sounds
sfx_ExplosiveBulletShootSound_1 Explosive bullet shooting sounds
sfx_ElectricBulletShootSound_1 Electric bullet shooting sounds
sfx_SilverBulletShootSound_1 Silver bullet shooting sounds
sfx_SilentBulletShootSound_1 Silent assassin bullet sounds
sfx_BigBulletShootSound_1 Big explosive bullets
sfx_AirGustBulletShootSound_1 Fan tank air gust "bullets"
sfx_GreenTankShootSound_1 Shoot sound specific of green tanks
sfx_ShotgunTankShootSound_1 Shooting sound of "shotgun" tanks (orange)


All music in Wee Tanks is moddable, this also means all the tank themes. So feel free to create your own!

Note: Music needs to be .wav!

Please use the following sound sample to create themes that are fitting with the rythm Wee Tanks uses. (or create your own but then you need to replace all the themes or some will be out of sync)

The Piccolo sound that many tanks use as a base

Tank Themes[]

Filename What it changes

Boss Themes[]

Filename What it changes
audio_commanderboom Commander Boom Boss theme
audio_commanderboom_buildup Buildup of Commander Boom Boss theme
audio_rocketking Rocket King Boss theme
audio_rocketking_buildup Buildup of Rocket King Boss theme
audio_electroking Electro King Boss theme
audio_electroking_buildup Buildup of Electro King Boss theme
audio_kingtank1 King tank boss theme phase 1
audio_kingtank2 King tank boss theme phase 2
audio_iceking Ice King Boss theme
audio_iceking_buildup Buildup of Ice King Boss theme


Filename What it changes
audio_mainmenu The music heard on the main menu
sfx_audio_editor The music heard while editing campaigns

Model modding[]

Wee Tanks offers some support for model modding, this is not the easiest modding task. Be sure to have a 3D model program installed like Blender. Wee Tanks uses TriLib asset to import .fbx models runtime.

Wee Tanks uses .fbx models located in the following directory:

C:\Users\%userprofile%\Documents\My Games\Wee Tanks\mods\objects

Step-by-step guide

  1. Highly recommended: Use this .fbx file when modding tanks.
  2. Create/Edit your model in Blender, or download one from the internet
  3. You can give your model textures/colors
  4. Export your model selecting the .fbx prefab
  5. Put the .fbx file in the folder as described above

Note: if you are modding the model of a tank, the model needs to consist of 4 parts named exactly like in the image below.


Exporting with textures[]

If you are exporting your model in blender, to the .fbx file, you might want to check that it's being embedded with textures.

In the export menu, set the Path Mode to "Copy", and enable the icon on the right of it. That's it!

Embed textures blender

Embed textures in blender export

Moddable objects

Filename What it changes
mine Any mines placed by player and enemy tanks
glow_block The glow block used in the map editor
wood_block_1 Normal wood block
wood_block_2 Wood block variation
stone_block No bounce, stone blocks
glass_block Transparent glass block, buyable in tankey town
cork_block Destroyable cork blocks
player_bullet Normal player bullet
player_bullet_explosive Explosive player bullet
player_bullet_rocket Rocket player bullet
player_bullet_silver Silver player bullet
bomber_plane_bullet Explosive bullets dropped by the bomber plane
enemy_bullet Normal enemy bullet
enemy_bullet_silent Assassin tank silent bullet
enemy_bullet_silver Enemy silver bullet
enemy_bullet_explosive Enemy explosive bullet
enemy_bullet_rocket Enemy rocket bullet
enemy_bullet_rocket_green Green tank specific bullet
king_tank_rocket Rockets fired from king tank
enemy_tank_XX Enemy tank model, replace the XX with the enemy ID

Go to , to find all enemy IDS.

<ANY_NAME> If you name your custom tank exactly as this model.

The custom tank will apply this .fbx file to itself.

Creating mod packs[]

Within Wee Tanks from the version 1.2.2 it is possible to create your own mod pack of items to use in the map editor, currently however this is still a very early feature so there are possibilities things will break.

It is quite simple on how to create your own pack, here is a step-by-step how to:

  1. Create the following folder structure in the My Games > Wee Tanks folder. Wee Tanks > mods > packs > [NAME OF YOUR PACK]
    Screenshot 2024-06-25 160021

    Folder structure of a single object in a pack

  2. In this folder, your pack folder, you will put the files that belong to your pack. There must be three files per model: 1. A file of the actual model it self, which must be a .fbx file 2. A .json file with the exact same name as the .fbx file, this will be the settings file for the object 3. A .png texture file with the exact same name as the .fbx file, this will be the menu icon file for the object
  3. Fill in the .json file with information and settings regarding the object. Here is an example of a dead tree object.
        "name": "Tree Scary Dead",
        "description": "A scary dead tree",
        "id": 100000,
        "settings": {
            "canBeScaled": true,
            "maxAmountPresent": 10,
            "mapEditorYoffset": 0,
            "mustBePlacedOnFloor": false,
            "canBeRotated": true,
            "isNoBounce": true,
            "hasTankCollision": true,
            "destroyTankOnCollision": false,
            "hasBulletCollision": true,
            "destroyBulletOnCollision": false,
            "hasContinousRotation": false,
            "rotationSpeed": 0.0,
            "hasRigidbody": false,
            "rigidbodyIsKinematic": false,
            "rigidbodyMass": 1.0,
            "isBreakableLikeCork": false,
            "isBreakableLikeStone": false,
            "winGameIfPlayerTouches": false,
            "canBeColored": false,
            "bouncesTanks": false,
            "bounceForce": 0.0
    Settings explanation
    Settings explanation 
    Name = the name of the object 
    Description = the description of the object id = must be a unique ID, something above 10.000 and make sure it does not have the same ID as other mod packs, can be up to 99.999.999 
    canBeScaled = if the player can scale the object in the editor 
    maxAmountPresent = the max amount of times the player can place this object in one mission 
    mapEditorYoffset = for fine tuning the Y offset of the object, increasing this number makes it appear higher 
    mustBePlacedOnFloor = if the object can only be placed on the bottom layer 0 
    canBeRotated = if the player can rotate this object 
    isNoBounce = if bullets should be destroyed if it touches this object
    hasTankCollision = Enables collision detection with tanks.
    destroyTankOnCollision = Destroys the tank when colliding with object
    hasBulletCollision = Enables collision detection with bullets.
    destroyBulletOnCollision = Destroys the bullet upon collision.
    hasContinousRotation = Allows continuous up rotation of the object.
    rotationSpeed = Controls the speed of rotation for the object.
    hasRigidbody = Adds a rigidbody component to the object.
    rigidbodyIsKinematic = Sets the rigidbody to kinematic mode.
    rigidbodyMass = Specifies the mass of the rigidbody.
    isBreakableLikeCork = Defines the object's breakability similar to cork.
    isBreakableLikeStone = Defines the object's breakability similar to stone.
    winGameIfPlayerTouches = Triggers a game win when the player touches the object.
    canBeColored = Allows the object to be colored or tinted. (Will set object to white)
    bouncesTanks = Causes tanks to bounce off the object.
    bounceForce = Controls the force applied when tanks bounce off the object.
  4. The item should then appear in-game like the image below
Screenshot 2024-06-25 160159

Modded in-game object